This is 1/3 of the total cost for the Full Price Platinum Admission ticket. You will need to purchase three of the 3-Pay tickets to gain admission to the event.
The Platinum Admission Ticket gets you:
- Access To All Speaker Sessions
- Discounted Hotel Rooms (First Come) (Information to come)
- Preferred Reserved Seating
- Early Check-In (Skip the Lines)
- Morning Coffee, Tea, and Water (refreshed all day)
- Exclusive Thursday Platinum Luncheon
- Express Continental Breakfast (Friday & Saturday)
- Private Speaker Lunch Buffet (Friday & Saturday)
- Afternoon break snacks
- Exclusive Thursday 1/2 day business intensive workshop
- 2 Drink Tickets to Official Thursday Evening Platinum Networking Mixer
- 2 Drink Tickets to Official Friday Evening Platinum & Gold Networking Mixer
- Event t-shirt, if purchased before 10/2/2024