Tickets Details Payment Confirmation

Select Ticket(s)

Platinum (Final Price)


The Platinum Admission Ticket gets you:

- Access To All Speaker Sessions

- Discounted Hotel Rooms (First Come) (Information to come)

- Front-Row Seating

- Early Check-In (Skip the Lines)

- Morning Coffee, Tea, and Water (refreshed all day)

- Exclusive Thursday 1/2 day business intensive workshop

- 2 Drink Tickets to Official Thursday Evening Platinum Networking Mixer

- 2 Drink Tickets to Official Friday Evening Platinum & Gold Networking Mixer

- Access to Speaker Lounge

Gold (Final Price)


'The Gold Admission Ticket gets you:

- Access To All Speaker Sessions

- Discounted Hotel Rooms (First Come) (Information to come)

- Preemium Reserved Seating

- Early Check-In (Skip the Lines)

- Morning Coffee, Tea, and Water (refreshed all day)

- 2 Drink Tickets to Official Friday Evening Platinum & Gold Networking Mixer

Silver (Final Price)


The Silver Admission Ticket gets you:

- Access To All Speaker Sessions

- Discounted Hotel Rooms (First Come) (Information to come)

- Morning Coffee, Tea, and Water (refreshed all day)

- General Admission Seating

Sponsorship - Diamond Level


Emerald Level booth benefits, PLUS...

- Premier booth location

- Customized feather banner with your logo to display at your booth

- Set up booth for Thurs. 1/2 day

- Pre-conference business promotion

- Receive 1 Gold and 1 Silver admission ticket

Sponsorship - Emerald Level


Ruby Level benefits, PLUS...

- Booth w/ live attendee on Fri & Sat

- Free to display marketing, handouts, "swag" (SFW)

- Free to hold prize drawings, but not required

- Receive 1 Silver admission ticket

Sponsorship - Ruby Level


Leave flyers and/or business cards on a dedicated Ruby Level sponsor table with no live attendee

Sponsorship - Exclusive Happy Hour (Friday)


All benefists of Diamond Level, PLUS...

- Exclusive sponsorship of Friday Platinum and Gold Happy Hour that is open to our speakers and all conference sponsors, as well.

- Customized banner displayed during the entirety of the Happy Hour